Request for Help and Information.

If there is anyone who has known Jean Michel CAUBO:

We need more information about the Resistance work he did during WW II in Paris, while he was employed by WagonsLits International. Initially, during the twenties, thirties and early forties he worked on board the trains between Amsterdam and Paris. Later on, due to the war, this train service stopped. He then continued to work from an office at the Gare du Nord in Paris, still employed by the WagonsLits. From that office, he continued to assist Jews who were fleeing from persecution and direct them to escape routes to Spain and Switzerland. He did this until his arrest by the Gestapo in 1944 and he died in a concentration camp in February 1945.

If there is anyone who has additional Information please contact us via our E-mails below. It is possible that there are still some survivors who were very young during the war years and were assisted by him. Or: children and family of survivors, who are still alive or remember stories told by escapees involving help they received from Jean Michel Caubo.
Mr Caubo was a member of the Dutch-Paris resistance organization, led by Jean Weidner, who passed away in the United States in 1994.

NOTE: For the complete story of Jean Caubo's life (in English) go to "History English Version".


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